Golden Turmeric Milk – Immunity Enhancement
The Drink that could Change your Life!!!
This Golden milk is absolutely amazing, I have fallen in love with the comforting flavour of this golden drink. The benefits of Turmeric are endless, it is a spice that after researching it’s benefits I cannot now go without. I watched a video about an Indian man that ran marathons at 109 years old and one of his secret weapons was turmeric.
Turmeric is an Anti-inflammatory, Boosts Immune System, helps reduce Headaches, Joint Pain & Depression!
So here’s the recipe and I am now obsessed with having it before I go to bed, I hope you love the taste as much as I do. What a great way to go to bed knowing all these amazing benefits are all wrapped up into this soothing night cap and doing so much for your insides.
Check out these 10 Reasons why You should be using Turmeric and google around a bit, so many reasons why you need to add this to your diet.
Golden Milk Recipe:
Golden Milk: Warm milk up on medium heat, crack a dash of ground pepper into pot and then add Turmeric, ginger, honey and cinnamon. Whisk Ingredients until a slight simmer, cover put heat to low and let it do it’s thing for 3-4 minutes. Allowing it time to cook and blend makes for a more enjoyable taste. Pour into mug and enjoy
- 1 cup Almond or Coconut Milk
- Dash Black Pepper (helps your body absorb the Turmeric)
- 1 tsp Turmeric Powder
- 1 tsp dried ginger or 1/2 inch raw ginger
- Dash of Cinnamon
- 1tsp Honey (optional)
This recipe makes One Mug full.